Run android .apk file on your pc

Android .apk  is a extension for application file.Android contains various applications which are much more interesting to use.You may even don't know that these .apk files can run in your pc.That's true.The android applications can  be used in your pc.But you may have to follow certain steps for doing this.You may even have to download programs.Here are the steps:-

1. First of all,you will have to download the android application .apk file.
2. Secondly,you may download the android SDK(software development kit) for your pc.
3. After you download both of these,you can now use it on your pc.
4. Just open the android software development kit.
5. You will have to download some plugins which the android sdk does automatically.
6. Now,click on the virtual devices in the top left corner of the sdk.
7. Create a virtual device and in the virtual device,add the .apk file you have downloaded.
8. Now open the virtual device and you will find that you can use the .apk file.
9. If these process doesn't helped you,Just download the android os iso file.
10. Go through the steps of How to use android in your pc of this blog.
11. Finally,You will find the problem solved.

Source: refreshit