Writing stress away

A Pen Which Helps in Dealing with Stress Situations, If all gadgets be like this pen, the world would be less stressed (or not). Built by a student at the University of Technology Delft, the Netherlands, this pen makes writing more difficult if used aggressively. This supposedly makes the writer calmer. But only supposedly.

In the future,more and more products will be able to interpret what users are feeling and use that information in a smart way.To illustrate the power of this theory,TU Delft researcher Miguel Bruns Alonso has developed a pen which can measure the stress levels of the person using it,and can actually help to reduce that stress.In experiments,the heart rate of people who used it fell by an average of five per cent.

What it tells
When the pen was evaluated in an experiment,people who received feedback on their behaviour had a lower heart rate (around 5 percent lower) than those who received no feedback.They experienced less psychological stress.However,neither were they aware that they were actually receiving any feedback on their behaviour.They also said that they did not feel any less stress.

The anti-stress pen is still a prototype and not (yet) available for purchase.