Charge your Batteries by Skipping Rope

Jumprope to Charge your Batteries

In line with random people coming up with different ways to get fat lards out there to exercise once they've ran out of all those marathons that claim to either be environmental (since all marathons are done on foot instead of cars, aren't all marathons therefore environmental?) or benefits the environment in some way (if 'environment' also means the marathon's product sponsors) - the E-Rope helps you work out for at least twenty minutes, but with an added twist - it can also charge your batteries while you're at it.

Exasperated by the countless reports and studies that show obesity in every place that has either a fast food restaurant or a useable couch, E-Rope has decided to lure exercise-challenged people everywhere with batteries. 2 AA batteries are stored on each side of the jumprope handles, and with every successful loop you overcome the batteries charge. It takes roughly twenty minutes of continuous jumping for all 4 batteries to fully charge, after which you can sit back on the couch, watch Two and a Half Men, place the batteries back into your remote control and order fries with that burger meal.