Froyo Decimates iOS4 In JavaScript Performance


For those on the hedge over which mobile phone to upgrade to or purchase next and place a premium on their upcoming mobile Internet experience, perhaps Ars Technica's comparison of JavaScript performance between the iOS4 and Android platforms will help you make a better informed decision. For those wondering, Java Script is essential for creating enhanced user interfaces and even more dynamic websites, hence is most apparent in browser performance.

For the tests, Ars basically compared Android's Froyo browser against iOS4's Safari browser when put under the SunSpider and V8 benchmarks, where Android basically showed better performance by at least three times compared to iOS4. Ultimately, this can be attributed to the high-performance JIT that was introduced in Android's Dalvik runtime environment along with extensive brower customizations.

While we are happy to hear this and can't wait for Android partners to release their Froyo updates, we also sure hope that the local telcos can speed up and make their mobile Internet services moe reliable so that we can actually enjoy these optimizations on mobile networks. Because without this, owning a handset that can browse the Internet quickly ONLY on WiFi is just half the story.